While writing your CV, I am sure you have been informed that you don't have to include every single thing you did in life, especially less flattering or unsuitable ventures in the context of things, so to speak.
If not, well you might meet the same fate as one Iraqi man in Sweden.
At our local employment agency, there are people present to answer your inquiries regarding work and applications, and immigrants make it a habit of stopping by and asking them to review their CV just in order to make sure it is as flawless as can be.
Bassam (we will call him that), did just that. The "agent" handling his CV looked at it, spelling was fine, content was fine, and off he went to apply for work.
The first 20 or 30 rejections were not cause for alarm, however when it started reaching 50+ with not so much as a "thank you, but no thank you" letter, Bassam became worried and asked his friend to look at his CV.
On top of the list of "Previous Employment", the following was written:
I served in the Iraqi Army for many years.
sho hal "agent" el ta3ban had ...
meskeen bassam :)
this is discrimination.
إني آرى رؤوس قد آينعت
eh wallah moryarti :)
Buj, I will let bassam know that you're willing to represent him in this discrimination case... ;)
zee, kahan gayve tum?
Lol! Though it is funny, I agree with Buj
Yes it is part of daily life unfrounately however, the agent should have told him that seeing as the ongoing situation in Iraq is not perhaps the best "reference", he should have excluded it from his CV just like one perhaps doesn't have to say one worked at Burger King while applying for a position as a judge.
Not that there is anything wrong with working in the fast food business...I was myself once a very skilled burger maker... lol
unfrounately?...I think I am inventing a new word here...
I'd gladly help. Do I need to learn Swedish though? Will Arabic do? After all he supposedly served in Iraq, and they speak Arabic there!
d. candy,
do you realise what my statement (in arabic) said? i don't think it's wise to post a literal english translation here.
na3m ya buj. I am sure arabic will do just fine. :)
lollll tragic
Yikes...well the good thing is they can get a REAL lowdown on Saddam's atrocities during lunch breaks :)
lol that's awful...we're awful...haraam 3alayna...
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