March 02, 2007

A.R. Rahman sings for the UN

Now playing on Al-Baal Café: Famous Indian Artist A.R. Rahman has produced a new track "Pray for me Brother" dedicated to the UN's millennium goals. Rahman released the single through his A.R. Rahman Foundation and Nokia.


gg said...

Very cool. I am looking forward to checking this CD out. :)

clayfuture said...

He is really good at what he does. Is the track out yet?

Destitute Rebel said...

Should be good music, Its good to see people in this region getting involved with humantarian issues. Yesterday I saw a greenpeace booth in Dubai, Quite surprising.

Diligent Candy said...

Excellent stuff - as always - you always manage to capture the best!

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Hey g. girl! Well you should, it's really worth listening to.

Clay, the single is most definitely out! :)You can hear it on ABC (AL Baal Café lol)

D Reb, Oh really? Greenpeace made their way to the lands of sands! Achi baat hai.

Candy Girl :) *hugs*